

What Happened?

So, it’s been a bit since I sat down to write. I can pile on a ba-jillion reasons why, but the most honest one is that this dalliance with the gym fizzled as so many others have. For right now, that’s okay. The goal was to conquer my fear of going to and being in the gym. I think I got really close to achieving that. I did work out fairly regularly for about a month at my posh gym stuffed to the gills with hot, hot people. And I became less and less intimidated over time.

And then I realized I was spending $137 per month on it.

That’s bananas. To spend money on something that causes me so much angst when I have a perfectly good facility right here in my apartment building is crazy. So I quit my gym. Then got deeply involved in a work project. (And by “deeply involved”, I mean “working 70 hours a week for 6 to 8 weeks straight.”)

And then I started Body for Life.

It’s going okay. Not great, but okay. When I do workout, the workouts are phenomenal. I’m happy that I can push myself that hard. I just struggle to actually get myself downstairs to the gym.

And that’s pretty much why I haven’t written. But it doesn’t mean I don’t think about  this blog daily.  And after thinking about this for going on two months, I’ve reached a conclusion.

What Next?

I like to write. And I think I’m pretty good at it. Plus, I think my life in Washington, DC has put me in some pretty unique situations that run the gamut between downright creepy and downright hilarious. So, today “Heavy Lifting” has a new mission: to document the life and times of me–from starry-eyed, fresh-out-of-the-closet idealist to dreary-eyed, fresh-from-a-long-day-at-work bureaucrat.

Trust me, it’ll be entertaining. Stay tuned…