Throwback Thursday
My friend Ron and me at DC Pride in June 1996.
Telling My Story
My friend Ron and me at DC Pride in June 1996.
At some point in 1996 I must have said to myself “remember when you listened to music that wasn’t a dance remix?” because this is a total pop music mix in a field of dance music mixes.
Between the cute guy who practically broke his neck gawking at me and the two tween girls yelling “HAWT” and then dissolving into giggles, I’m feeling pretty good about all this.
She was a mom from the start! My sister holding a very factory-fresh me sometime in May 1972. (BTW, we had that sofa until I was a sophomore in high school.)
The majority of these songs come from Spring 1996 when I attended my first circuit party and met Clint, who would become my stepbrother a few years later.
I headed out on a new trail today with a 20.2 mile round trip stretch goal to reach the Beltway on the W&OD Trail.
Here I am hanging out with my super cool niece Taylor. I wish her the best of luck and the best of times as she heads off to her freshman year of college.
I must have started this mix in late 1995 because Bette’s “To Deserve You” was a staple at JR’s (and my car radio) from January 1996 to about March 1996.
Here I am, halfway across the Wilson Bridge on the Virginia Observation Deck. (And I can feel it shake every time a heavy truck speeds by.)
Meg and me being silly at Farfelu Vineyards (now long gone) on one of our “Performance Driving Through the Virginia Countryside” day trips.