Category: Autobiographical
Sabotage! Bribery! Precipitation!
‘The Good Pain’
The Rip That Rattled Me to the Core
Day 1: Fear and Loathing in Chinatown
Two Decades of College
Durango 2004: We Thought We’d Be Prettier
Is it a Career? Or just a Job?
I’ve always had an interest in computing. My parents bought me my first computer when I was 10. They had high hopes that I would one day be a computer programmer.
‘University of Nothing Much’ No More
It’s the “University Near Mom” and the “University of Nothing Much” my friends and I always joked. New Mexico State was the only in-state university I would consider attending, but even that was questionable.
The Beginning of Friendship
“At 9:15 am the clock had started. Only 24 more hours until we could go home. Miraculously we had been able to successfully kidnap three people, regroup, and leave Las Cruces for the Picacho foothills.”
One of my first assignments my freshman year in college from my Journalism 100 class was to write an autobiography about myself. This is what I wrote.