Mix 40
My friend Ron had just returned from a long-term business trip to L.A. And he came back with a ton of cool music which basically makes up this playlist.
Telling My Story
At my twenty-first mix tape, I decided that “Singles” was entirely too hokey and to just call it was it was: a mix tape. And so “The Mix Tapes” were born. These mixes really cover most of the 1990s and definitely show the angst, frustration, happiness and carelessness that I embodied during that decade.
My friend Ron had just returned from a long-term business trip to L.A. And he came back with a ton of cool music which basically makes up this playlist.
It’s hilarious that the one song available on the iTunes Store has the most vulgar title and is sung by a drag queen.
This is definitely the heart of my “fabulous years”—you know, where I never waited in line, never paid for a drink and knew the DJ.
Whew! This is an intense mix. I had to have just broken up with someone because this is just full of angry, sad, slow music.
Oh, there’s some fun music here! I clearly (and quickly) moved back to making mix tapes of dance music.
At some point in 1996 I must have said to myself “remember when you listened to music that wasn’t a dance remix?” because this is a total pop music mix in a field of dance music mixes.
The majority of these songs come from Spring 1996 when I attended my first circuit party and met Clint, who would become my stepbrother a few years later.
I must have started this mix in late 1995 because Bette’s “To Deserve You” was a staple at JR’s (and my car radio) from January 1996 to about March 1996.
This is the music that I discovered and that carried me through my first year living in Washington, DC. I landed on March 1, 1995, came out to myself, discovered the gay social scene and dance music.
I’m not sure what happened to Mix 28.