Music The Mix Tapes

Mix 21

I had just been dumped by the guy I was dating, was in the closet, fired from my job, and failing out of school. Life was tough during this period.

Winter 1993.

I had just been dumped by the guy I was dating, was in the closet, fired from my job, and failing out of school.  Life was tough during this period.  The first part of this playlist is music that Scott (the guy that dumped me) had introduced to me. The second half of this playlist, at least to me, reflects my emotional state from all that was happening.

  1. Speed (Hardcore Mix)
  2. The River of Dreams
  3. Mata Oh A Eh
  4. You Have Placed a Chill In My Heart
  5. Shoop
  6. All for Love
  7. I Can See Clearly Now
  8. Again
  9. Both Sides of the Story
  10. Once In A Lifetime
  11. Lemon