
Tonight I Lost the Battle, But I Will Win the War

I’m frustrated.

With myself.

After missing the gym all last week, I was determined to get a workout in this weekend and get the week started off right with a great Monday night workout. The weekend came and went without so much as me looking in the direction of the gym (though I did walk by it twice).

And tonight, I got home, parked myself on my bed, caught up on Facebook, Twitter, We Rule (a very fun iPhone/iPad game), checked flights home, and realized that it’s 8:15.

By the time I get dressed, get to the gym, get through my workout and get home, it’ll be almost 10. And I won’t have eaten. This is just bad time management.

Yeah, I’m frustrated with myself. I’m letting myself down and I don’t like doing that.

Tomorrow. Definitely tomorrow. Stay tuned…


  1. A stop at home after work spells doom for my gym workouts. I would pack a gym bag and go straight from work to workout.

    1. To add an extra element of lazy, I don’t need to carry a gym bag. I pay for a locker and laundry service to make it extra-convenient. (I’ve basically removed all excuses possible.) So, today, I did pack my iPod and my workout cheat sheet. I will lift weights!!!

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